The Scoop on Sugar
Our programs focus on removing high fructose sweeteners from the diet, otherwise known as “Free Sugars”. Free Sugars are defined by the Institute for Responsible Nutrition as dietary sugars that provide rapidly-absorbed, concentrated doses of fructose.
Where is the fructose (free sugars)?
- Table sugar: 50% fructose
- Agave syrup: 90% fructose
- Fruit juice: 50-70% fructose
- Molasses: 50% fructose
- Honey: 40% fructose
- High Fructose Corn Syrup: 40 – 90% fructose
Is Sugar Really Addictive?
When you think of addictive substances, you probably don’t think of candy bars or ice cream sundaes with whipped cream and colorful sprinkles on top. However, research studies show that sugar is in fact addictive. Here are a few examples:
In a research study, rats were given cocaine until they became dependent on it. Then researchers provided them a choice – the rats could continue to have the cocaine or they could switch to sugar. 94% of the rats chose to make the switch to sugar. – Public Library of Science
According to brain scans, sugar is as addictive as cocaine. – Dr. David Lustig
While cocaine and heroin activate only one spot for pleasure in the brain, sugar lights up the brain like a pinball machine. - Dr. Mark Hyman