
1. The program starts with Sunday night dinner. Waking up Monday morning having already started the program the night before sets you up for success!

2. You’ll receive your Program Guide eBook the Wednesday before your program starts.
You will want to set aside some time to read the Program Guide before the weekend so you’re completely ready to start the program on Sunday night.

3. Each Thursday you will receive your meal plan for the following week.
You’ll shop for groceries, do some food prep and batch cooking over the weekend, setting you up for a week of quick and super delicious meals.

4. Each day, you will receive an email from me with tips, info and fun stories to guide you through the step you are on.
You will also complete your daily checklist - simply completing these steps each day, will keep you on your path to success.

5. Create your community in our private Facebook group.
Get answers to your questions, swap recipes and advice, cheer others on and get support others doing the program.